Friday 3 February 2017

Filming review 2/2/17

Our filming overall has been a huge success. It worked well as we managed to get all of our filming done in all locations in two days, however it may have been more effective if we made more storyboards and set them out more clearly as we didn't really use them the entire time whilst filming which took longer than it would have done if we followed them more clearly. We may need to re - film the CV part with Charlie, as we feel it would be more effective if he was seen actually trying to go into shops, which we hadn't really planned.

Everything ran very smoothly, we hadn't planned the part where Charlie is in the bath and paint comes out when he squeezes the shower gel however we feel this is a very effective part and this idea stemmed to us coming up with the idea of the paint coming from the water bottle into the glass and further onto Annie making the coffee which cleverly turned into paint.

If we were to do anything differently I think it would be to manage our time more effectively so that we filmed earlier on in the year and had more time to make changes if necessary.

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