Thursday 15 September 2016

Evaluation question 3 (PRELIMINARY)

What have you learnt from your audience feedback? 

Looking back to when we initially got the song titles it was evident that the song didn't have to be our favourite choice or one we would listen to. It was about how we could formulate a story that can be a tangible item, in which viewers could interact with, as it is personal and identifiable to the target audience. The main issue with the outcome wasn't that the song wasn't appealing to everyone, but that the song length being 4:01 minutes made it difficult to finish the product. Tommy when editing reversed the clip, this correlated well with the lyrics of the song when Biffy says 'Baby if you could would you go back to the start?' it's a simple technique to use but it's also quite effective. It fills up the duration of the time without being unnecessary. 
With everyone else in our media class having the same preliminary task, it enabled us to ask for their feedback as they have more of an insight on what the expectations were for the video. We then asked people who we considered our target audience. Because of the storyline and using actors our age it was quite easy to distribute the clip across different social media sites to gain feedback. 
It didn't take long to identify a theme with the feedback. During the research it was noted that they liked the combination of different angles composing the video, but thought a greater variety of different locations should be used. Despite our group not wanting too many locations to complicate the storyline, it was apparent maybe the type of environment could differ. The pub, the walk and park scene were all in quite green, quite areas. Although it was aesthetically engaging them having drinks in a pretty area, the contrast of a more urban intimate environment could prove more effective.
In addition ending at 2:54 it meant that there was still 1:07 minutes to fill with content. That was probably the strongest point and something we already knew as soon as we edited. 
People also liked the smooth transitions between scenes, the effects that cause the raw footage to become the finished product.
Another factor that we could have altered is the warmth, hue and depth of field, in post production, which ultimately could make the final cut more professional. All of the feedback we received was something we realised once watching it back ourselves. Which is why I think it is positive. As when we go on to develop our actual products this year we will have more time to produce. Therefore we can truly refine the work and outcomes, in order for it to be as successful as it possibly can be.

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