Wednesday 5 October 2016

Initial idea plot synopsis

The idea for our music video is that there is a male character with depression, with the use of poster paints as a representation of this. He will be covered in paint in a way displaying the more paint he has on the worse he feels, and it will be coming off and on in a way which we will show using a number of different t - shirts. At some point in the video he will meet a girl who can relate to his situation and by the ending he will be happier, symbolised by him wearing less or no paint.

We came to this idea from watching a TV advert on depression, with it being symbolised by a black dog and liked the idea. Originally we had a different idea, of a girls summer holiday however there was not a story which could be told from this and although a music video does not have to tell a story I think there should be some depth to what is going on whilst the music is playing.

The part I am most looking forwards to is to edit once we have filmed because I think making parts in slow motion with paint splattering on and off will look very effective.

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