Friday 28 October 2016

Target Audience 2

How will your ancillary tasks help you attract your target audience?

The ancillary tasks such as the digipack and posters will massively help us to attract our target audience. It is important that we make the ancillary tasks eye-catching and appealing to our target audience, so that they become interested in looking into our media product and watching the video. The design of the digipack needs to be original and creative and include bright and vibrant colours which will attract the target audience. Inside of the digipack we will list the other songs that are on the CD and there will be other imagery related to the cover. As well as the digipack we will be creating a poster which will have similar imagery to the digipack and the video itself to create continuity throughout the campaign. The poster will be either A4 or A3 in size and will be printed onto high quality paper to create a professional look about the campaign.

In addition to these basic ideas we are also interested in setting up a social media campaign to help promote the band. Social media is a great way to advertise your brand and upcoming projects especially to the younger generations (which is our target audience) as the majority of younger people have at least one form of social media. Social media sites are quick and easy to use which means we could post constant updates throughout the campaign and keep people in the loop of what is happening with our music video.

As a result of creating ancillary tasks it means that we are able to broaden our advertising and reach out to a much wider range of people. The underlying aim of the ancillary task will be to represent the process that we go through whilst creating the music video and alerting the consumers to what our idea is all about so that they become interested in looking at or buying the idea. The ancillary tasks are all part of the synergy that occurs within the industry where each different marketing approach promotes another, ultimately creating more awareness for the band and the media product.

Wednesday 26 October 2016

Target Audience

The target audience for our media product is people of a similar age to us (young adults and teenagers). However, we are also hoping that our media product will educate people of a younger age than our target audience, as they may not know much about illnesses regarding mental health. We are also hoping to show teenage boys that depression and other mental health issues are nothing to be embarrassed about with our video.

Our media product will engage with our target audience by doing several things. One way we are approaching our audience is by using characters of a similar age to the target audience so that they are aware that mental health does occur to other people like them and as a result of this we are hoping that they find the music video approachable and relatable. Another way that we are aiming to reach out to our target audience is by using male characters for the main roles. We hope that this alerts the male audience into being aware that mental health doesn't just effect teenage girls. We feel that it is important to approach the male gender as in recent studies investigating mental health it has been made aware that younger men are more likely to suffer from mental health issues and keep them to themselves rather than talking to others about them. The final way we are planning on reaching out to our target audience is by trying to make the product relatable by including a lot of 'everyday stuff' that someone suffering from mental illness is likely to go through. We also hope that by including this in our video we are able to educate other people that may not be aware about the effects of mental illness on somebody's life.

Wednesday 5 October 2016

What we will need...

We spent the lesson looking online at what we will need for our filming. We have decided that what we need is the links above and are currently looking into getting funding from the school.

Initial idea character / performer list and profiles

In our film the main characters will be the boy and the girl. The boy character will be sad and lost looking and the girl will be almost like a hero, she can see how he is feeling and sympathise with him when he feels completely isolated and alone, and by the end the idea is that he will be feeling better.

We can't only have the 2 people in our music video as part of the locations we have planned are in public places and it would be strange for only two people to be there so because of this it is likely that we will be using volunteers as extras to look like members of the public. Using the extract characters will help to construct a more realistic music video.

It is likely that a wide audience will engage with our music video because some people suffering from a mental health illness will be able to relate and most people know someone or know of someone who has one of some sort and will therefore be able to either sympathise or relate to the sympathetic female character.

Initial idea plot synopsis

The idea for our music video is that there is a male character with depression, with the use of poster paints as a representation of this. He will be covered in paint in a way displaying the more paint he has on the worse he feels, and it will be coming off and on in a way which we will show using a number of different t - shirts. At some point in the video he will meet a girl who can relate to his situation and by the ending he will be happier, symbolised by him wearing less or no paint.

We came to this idea from watching a TV advert on depression, with it being symbolised by a black dog and liked the idea. Originally we had a different idea, of a girls summer holiday however there was not a story which could be told from this and although a music video does not have to tell a story I think there should be some depth to what is going on whilst the music is playing.

The part I am most looking forwards to is to edit once we have filmed because I think making parts in slow motion with paint splattering on and off will look very effective.

Tuesday 4 October 2016


I am going to be completing a music video in a group with Molly and Annie. We have chosen to work together because we are good friends anyway so see one another regularly and we will find it easy to split the work between us. Most people do a music video and I chose to do this because I think it would be much harder to create an interesting short film whereas a music video can be fun and around lots of different areas, also working with a shorter time period will be easier.